I don't much care for the thought of going to war. I know that it is necessary sometimes and this thing with Iraq may just be one of those times. But, it seems to me that a much simpler solution to the terrorist threat problem would be for the United States to issue the following warning to the Muslim world. The very next time there is a terrorist attact targeted at the United States, whether home or abroad, or against American citizens, we will destroy Mecca and Medina and anyone living nearby at the time. We could then show the world pictures of the guided missles targeted at these locations. I don't know, it's just a thought.
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
by drahcir yarrum ini don't much care for the thought of going to war.
i know that it is necessary sometimes and this thing with iraq may just be one of those times.
but, it seems to me that a much simpler solution to the terrorist threat problem would be for the united states to issue the following warning to the muslim world.
Some really fun optical illusions for you!
by Country Girl inenjoy!.
country girl
drahcir yarrum
Obviously demonic in origin. I love it.
Pioneering---Did It Make A Difference In Your Life
by minimus inmany of us pioneered.
some here pioneered as "vacation", "temporary", "auxillary", "regular" or even "special" roles.
nearly everyone was expected to pioneer, if you were to stay in the good graces of the congregation.
drahcir yarrum
Yes, it taught me the value of doing something totally foreign to every instinct in my being. Such as setting aside every real important task that an 18 - 20 year old male should be doing i.e. going to college, serving his country in the military and trying to sleep with every available female walking the face of the earth. Pioneering stunted my masculine maturity by at least 5 years. So did it make a difference in my life? Combine the pioneering with just over two years at Bethel and you have a complete waste of three of the most important normal developmental years available to a young man. Am I pissed? No, it's too late.
Are ALL criticisms of the Society justified?
by logansrun inlet me start by saying that i deplore much of the teachings of the watchtower and am convinced that it is not "the truth.
" either through ignorance, error or deliberate action they have caused great heartache for thousands and unknown heartache for millions.
i have thoroughly disconnected myself from their teachings and would rightly speak out against what i know to be harmful in that organization.
drahcir yarrum
Most of the points I read in this forum that are critical of the WTS have some merit. Each of us must use our intellect to discern fact from fancy. What needs to be remembered when visiting these forums, is that many who post have in some way been injured or mistreated by their JW experience. At least they feel they were deceived by the teachings of the organization. I was out of the WTS for over 18 years when I discovered this forum, so I was not in any danger of being misled by what was posted here. What I have found out though, is how the WTS had made an agreement to be a participant with the United Nations for almost 10 years and as soon as it was brought to light here, they immediately resigned in writing from the UN. The GB had a policy of covering up matters of child abuse within the local congregations for many, many years. With the information exposed by Bill Bowen and others and what has been posted on this forum, and exposed in the media, the WTS is under intense scrutiny by the authorities regarding such matters.
In the two years I have been posting here, I have seen hundreds of hurt and down trodden former JW's get the encouragement and support they need to face life without the controlling influence of the Society. So in answer to your question, "Are ALL criticisms of the Society justified", NO!. "All, Never, Always and Forever" are words that need to be viewed in context with caution. But I would say that most of the criticisms I've read on this forum are based in fact. I have also run into some smug jerks while posting here. I have also been a smug jerk while posting here. Aint it great to be human?
by nightwarrior in.
we are all liars everylast one of us are liars.. we have deliverd bible studys directly into the jaws of death ,do you feel any responsibility to the crimes inflicted upon others,if so who was it and what are you doing about it now??????????????
how many lives did you effect, have you tried speaking to them say by letters or emails.
drahcir yarrum
No, I never ruined anyone's life with the Watchtower crap. I wasn't a good enough salesman at the time to convince anyone to give up all that becoming a JW has to give up. I'm thankful for that.
Wanna know when your gonna die?
by gumby incheck this out!.
i guess i'm off to the wild blue yonder in 2028,march 11th kinda creepy.
drahcir yarrum
I'm dying in February 2047. That means I'll be 97 years old. I'd better start stockpiling Depends.
Before the US takes out Saddam. . .
by drahcir yarrum inwe need to take into consideration that in the last election in iraq, he got 100% of the vote.
like many dictators throughout the world, he is immensly popular.
he probably is stockpiling weapons of mass destruction to keep them out of the hands of real bad guys.
drahcir yarrum
MEMO TO SELF: No more Iraqi humor.
Before the US takes out Saddam. . .
by drahcir yarrum inwe need to take into consideration that in the last election in iraq, he got 100% of the vote.
like many dictators throughout the world, he is immensly popular.
he probably is stockpiling weapons of mass destruction to keep them out of the hands of real bad guys.
drahcir yarrum
Sara Annie:
I can only assume that your response to my "tongue in cheek" post reflects that you have a very large bug up your ass.
Have a nice weekend.
Before the US takes out Saddam. . .
by drahcir yarrum inwe need to take into consideration that in the last election in iraq, he got 100% of the vote.
like many dictators throughout the world, he is immensly popular.
he probably is stockpiling weapons of mass destruction to keep them out of the hands of real bad guys.
drahcir yarrum
we need to take into consideration that in the last election in Iraq, he got 100% of the vote. Like many dictators throughout the world, he is immensly popular. He probably is stockpiling weapons of mass destruction to keep them out of the hands of real bad guys.
It is NOT The Watchtower Society anymore?!?
by email ini don't know if this has been posted recently but... .
i was just talking to a friend (a ms jw) that told me that he was told by the elders on a talk he was about to give that according to their last elders school there are instructions not to use the terms "the watchtower society" or "the society" or "the organization" anymore... but rather to now always use "the faithful and discreet slave" or "the slave"... .
edited by - email on 15 january 2003 16:8:10.
drahcir yarrum
Why is it, everytime I see something quoted from the "slaves" literature that I want to take a stack of old Watchtowers and Awakes down from the attic, make a little paper nest with the crumpled pages and take a big dump right in the middle of it? Can anyone explain?